Bowen Therapy


Bowen Therapy is a hands-on therapy that works on the soft tissue in the body (the skin, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue that runs like a net/ or web throughout the entire body). It treats not only the symptoms but also the cause of many conditions. Considering the body as a whole, to bring about deep long-lasting healing and pain relief. Each treatment enhances cellular function and positively stimulates the lymphatic system increasing lymphatic drainage. 

Bowen therapy is very gentle, using no more than an "eyeball" pressure when doing the Bowen moves, which are a series of moves using the fingers and thumbs placed in specific locations on the body, to bring about deep healing and long last pain relief. 

The aim is to realign the body's muscles and skeletal system and in doing so this also has a positive impact on the nerves and other internal organs and systems. Each Bowen Therapy treatment also stimulates the lymphatic system, helping to flush out toxins from the body and strengthen the immune system and immune responses such as allergic reactions and illness.

Conditions that Bowen Therapy can help: 

  • Arthritis

  • Hip and elbow dysplasia.

  • Pain and inflammation.

  • Recovery from illness or injury

  • Joint pain

  • Back and neck pain

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Digestive disorders

  • Allergy and immune responses

Results of Bowen Therapy can be seen as quickly as when treatment finishes before the dog or cat leaves, sometimes a few days later or occasionally after a few more treatment sessions. It all depends on the individual animal and how long they have had the condition we are treating. 


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Hip Dysplasia